Data on Hobby Engagement and Health Outcomes in Aging Populations

1. What is the ELSA study and how was the data collected?

The ELSA (English Longitudinal Study of Aging) is a longitudinal study that started in 2002 and is ongoing until 2023. It follows over 11,000 participants aged 50 and above living in England. The data is collected every two years through surveys. For this study, a pool of respondents aged 65 and above were selected from Waves 7 (2014-2015), Wave 8 (2016-2017), and Wave 9 (2018-2019). The response rates for these waves were 78.3%-81.4%, 82.4%, and 79.5% respectively. Only those respondents who provided data across all measures were considered, resulting in a total of 10,876 observations from 4,267 participants.

2. What is the JAGES study and how was the data collected?

The JAGES (Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study) is a large-scale population-based longitudinal study focused on aging. It was established in 2010 and collects data primarily through self-administered mail surveys. The target population for JAGES is older people aged 65 and above who do not receive long-term care insurance benefits. The data for this study was collected from Waves 2, 3, and 4, which spanned from 2010 to 2020. The response rates for these waves ranged from 52.4% to 71.1%. Only respondents with complete data on hobby engagement and health outcomes in at least two waves were included, resulting in 125,901 observations from 57,051 participants.

3. What is the HRS study and its scope?

The HRS (Health and Retirement Study) is a national cohort study in the United States that focuses on individuals over the age of 50. It was initiated by the National Institute on Aging and has more than 37,000 participants. The study collects data through various methods including interviews and surveys. However, the article does not provide specific details about how the data was collected for this study. It is important to note that the information about the HRS study in the given news excerpt is truncated and lacks further details.


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