Category: Uncategorized
블라, 22일 첫 라이브 공연 ‘LCDC MUSIC’ 출격…서정적 사운드 선사 – 빅데이터뉴스
News Link 1. Singer-songwriter Blah is set to hold her first live concert since debut, performing at ‘LCDC MUSIC’ in Seoul.2. Blah will perform her heartfelt songs such as ‘널 더’, ‘Candy For You’, and ‘어쩌면 난’ to engage closely with the audience.3. Blah debuted in 2022 and has gained praise for her warm and…
[시사체크! 키워드 / 조리 흄(Cooking Oil Fume)] 학교 급식 만들어주는 분들의 건강 위협하는 ‘조리 흄’ – 소년조선일보
News Link 1. Over 130 people in South Korea have been diagnosed with lung cancer caused by cooking oil fumes.2. Cooking oil fumes, known as “cooking oil haze,” can lead to respiratory and cardiovascular problems.3. There is a shortage of cooking staff in school kitchens, leading to inadequate and substandard school meals. In the news…
“직장 신체부담 고령 근로자, 여가 신체활동 오히려 해로워” – 청년의사
News Link 1. A study conducted in South Korea has confirmed the “physical activity paradox” in relation to health-related productivity loss and work ability, showing that leisure-time physical activity can benefit health while occupational physical activity can be harmful.2. The study analyzed 5,501 Korean workers and found that excessive physical strain from occupational activities can…
This is the best exercise to prevent knee pain and arthritis, based on new research – NBC News
News Link Bicycling, whether outdoors or in a spinning class, may help prevent knee arthritis and pain. A recent study found that people who cycled at any point in their lives were less likely to develop knee pain and arthritis. Biking builds muscles around the knees without causing jarring to the joints, making it a…
Steps vs. minutes: study reveals best way to track exercise – New York Post
News Link Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have examined the health impact of step targets. The team studied 14,399 US women aged 62 or over, finding those in the top 25% in terms of activity levels reduced their risk of heart disease or death by between 30% and 40%. However, the researchers…
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