1. 대구학생예술창작터는 ‘토요가족 아트와락’ 프로그램을 확대 운영할 예정이다.
2. ‘토요가족 아트와락’은 가족 단위 예술 융합 체험 프로그램으로, 올해는 4기에 걸쳐 상·하반기 각각 2기씩 진행된다.
3. 체험 프로그램은 캐릭터 디자인 및 티셔츠 제작, 아로마 향수 제작, 매듭 공예, 매스 아트, 플라워 아트 등을 포함하며, 기수별로 100명씩 참여할 예정이다.
The Daegu Student Arts Creation Center announced that it will expand its family art experience program called ‘Saturday Family Art & Rock’ where parents and children can communicate through art. Since its opening in 2022, the program has been operated in collaboration with local artists and has gained popularity with a total of 308 participants, including 178 students and 130 parents last year.
This year, the program will be expanded with a total of four sessions, two sessions each for the first and second halves of the year, with five different experience programs for each session.
In the first half of the year, there will be two sessions held on May 18th and July 20th. Families who participate will have the opportunity to create family t-shirts by designing their own characters, make aroma color therapy by creating perfumes and air fresheners that represent their family’s colors and personalities, create macrame knot crafts symbolizing their family, make math art by creating rainbow pot coasters, and create flower art using art toys. Each session will have 100 participants.
Families who wish to participate in the second session can apply through their child’s school website.
The Superintendent of Education, Kang Eun-hee, expressed that this family experience program will play an important role in forming a sustainable family community. She hopes that through enjoying and communicating through art activities together, families can deepen their appreciation for the value of family.
In my opinion, the expansion of the ‘Saturday Family Art & Rock’ program is a wonderful initiative that promotes family bonding and creativity. It provides a unique opportunity for parents and children to engage in artistic activities together, fostering communication and understanding within the family. Art has the power to bring people together and allows individuals to express their thoughts, emotions, and ideas in a creative and meaningful way. By participating in this program, families not only have fun but also have the chance to discover and appreciate each other’s artistic talents and interests. It is a great way to strengthen the bond between family members and create lasting memories. I believe that programs like this are important in today’s fast-paced world, where the busyness of daily life often hinders quality family time. This program encourages families to set aside dedicated time for artistic exploration, fostering a sense of togetherness and connection. I hope that more families will take advantage of this opportunity and join in on the creative fun.
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